Noticing the difference between real and replica sunglasses takes active attention to a couple of key areas. To begin with, check the standard of components. Real shades usually contain higher-quality materials like acetate or metal, while copies will often use cheaper plastics and metals. A great example of this is the original Ray-Bans which usually have a nice hefty feeling acetate with an ultra-smooth finish and their replicas can feel cheaper (and less refined/less cool).
Examine the craftsmanship and detail work. Authentic designer sunglasses typically contain details such as perfectly lined-up logos, clean and tidy edges, etc. One common giveaway of replicas is an uneven or sloppy placement of the logos. For instance, the logo on authentic Gucci sunglasses will be either engraved or embossed and look crystal clear whereas a replica might have rough edges or inconsistencies.
Pay Attention to the Weight and Feels of Sunglasses Real designer sunglasses typically feel heavy in the hand because of quality materials and construction. The light, flimsy feel MAKE actually make you think of a fake. Designer sunnies, says the pros, should feel heavy and solid as represented in their development.
Check the packaging & accessories Fake designer sunglasses never come with a case – when they do, it’s poorly designed and flimsy; fake designer sunnies also don’t include accessories like a cleaning cloth or an authenticity card… but real ones have all of the above. Those features are often absent on replica products, which also have inferior packaging. A real pair of Prada sunglasses will arrive in an elegant, branded case with a matching cleaning cloth and authenticity card; whereas you might find the replica comes in a plain or cheap looking box.
Check price and purchase source Real designer sunglasses are priced way high; usually budget $200 and more for this type of product, replicas on the other hand often sell from anywhere to as low as $30-$100 or so. Beware of the bargain that is too good to be true. As fashion analyst Rachel Zoe says, “If it seems too good to be true then it probably is.”
Check for UV protection. Real designer sunglasses also feature UV protection credentials, guaranteeing sufficient eye protection. As with many other replicas, they also might not have the active UV protection – which is critical for both style and safety! Peresc identifies FRM sunglasses and standardizes 100% UV protection for all products to protect delicate eye tissue from damage.
You may be able to accurately define whether sunglasses are authentic or counterfeit by evaluating these factors.